Umeed- A Hope...
Umeed is a non-profit that hopes to promote women’s empowerment and radically alter the mindsets that exist within society.
Through providing training and knowledge to women, we aspire to bring about an immediate and lasting difference; one of hope, dignity and security.
We provide training to women to create and sell simple and beautiful eco-friendly newspaper handicrafts, thus giving these women exposure to new life-skills; such as planning, budgeting, teamwork and creativity. 
These skills will go a long way to drive their confidence, empower them and, eventually, alter the oppressive mindsets around them to progressive ones.
Umeed does not exist only to better the lives of these women; but to better the lives of their whole families and communities.

Objective:  I help guide low income women to create and sell eco-friendly handicraft items. 
Role: Research, Visual design 

Problem Statement
We identified a few major problem areas faced, and ultimately realized that it was hard for women to get out of their homes, lack of knowledge for technology,  financial constraints and how and who to sell their products.
Proposed System

Step1: Creating awareness in the society by printing posters and putting up them up in the rural or the backward areas and would be made in the local language.
Step2: Selling products online and at trade shows
Website Design 
Selling at Trade Fairs and Company events
Social Awareness 
We aim not only to positively impact the lives of these women, but also the lives of their families and communities:

• Husbands and children develop more respect for the women
• Household income of the families is increased, alleviating the poverty
• Children are better able to focus at school thus improving their education
• Women can begin training other women within their community.
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